Sunday, October 24, 2010
Today I went shopping. I was on a hunt to find a halloween costume for a party next week. I got into the city around 1 and decided to hit up a store called Ginger Tree. I had seen it off of Victoria st as I road the tram from school to the metro center and it appeared from the windows to be in my price range. A lot of things were, and they had nice stuff. I tried on a peacock sequince shirt which didnt work (be a peacock), and a blue dress with strippes in the center only and sailor buttons (to be a sailor). Niether worked and nothing else sparked my interest. So I moved on.
*****Culture Note: So really, they dont do halloween big in Australia. I guess its an american thing. So no big halloween costume parties, no walking door to door looking for treats or giving tricks, no carving pumpkins, and no stroking the alter ego.*****
I hopped on a tram that I figured would take me farther up to brunswick. On the train ride into the city I had texted Pearl about a store called Savers, second hand store good for costumes, and where it was located. After a while on the tram I asked the little old lady across from me whether I should get off for savers and she pointed me in the right direction. I got to savers and looked around- no luck. I checked shirts, skirts, dresses and even shoes just for fun; but i wasnt halloween inspired.
Next stop was vic market to check out some of the Halloween costumes they sell as a set costume. I looked at two different venders, and both were above my price range and i was out the door. Not about to spend 60$ on a halloween costume i would wear for a night. So I grabbed some christmas prezzies and got on the tram for home. On the way into the station I walked in real quick to a store at melb central. They had a couple of outfits for about 25/30 that I considered but told myself i wanted to sleep on it.
Once I got home I had to listen to my friday lecture from genetics, dinner and Offspring!
Land Down Under
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
NVG and Woop woop
Saturday, October 22, 2010
Today I got out to the city at about 12pm. I was to meet up with a new friend Pearl I had met at the Pub crawl a while ago. We met at flinders st station and I was fully prepared to go to a jewish museum. She had told me she wanted to go to a museum in st.kilda and I asked peter what that could mean. He said the only one there that he knew of was the jewish one and seeing as how she is jewish i figured just maybe she was dragging me there.
I was wrong... NVG
She wanted to go to the NVG, National Gallery of Victoria which is located on St.Kilda road outside flinders st where Swanston turns into St. Kilda Rd. Go figure. No jewish museum for me.
The museum is free and is filled up of all sorts of art (sorry no picts). From paintings to old glassware. It was fun and I got to know Pearl a bit better. I wasnt so sure we were going to get along but I really liked her in the end. We had just gone to see some modern chairs when I got a phone call from Bec about plans for the night. I finished up the room real fast and said goodbye to Pearl so that I could get home in time to go to a party. On my way out I stopped by a fashion exhibit, peeked my head in real fast, and thought it would be fun to see that part with chrissy.
I jumped on the train around 4 to get home around 5. I had a quick bite to eat and then got ready for party time. It was becs mate Josh from uni and he was turning 21. Micheal, Bec and I drove all the way out to woop woop, picked up lost little stephanie and got to the party together. Seriously, the party was not too far from the city time wise however, it felt like you were ages away- no lights, dirt roads, barely any exits.
I knew some of the guys from an earlier party which was nice. I had champers on the tab until it ran out. Speaches were nice. And the band, it was live, just friends, but they were fantastic. They did some of the great songs that gets everyone going. We watched as creative dancing occurred. It was fun.
At around 12 we hit the road for the hour long drive home. Bec and I dozed off on the way.
Today I got out to the city at about 12pm. I was to meet up with a new friend Pearl I had met at the Pub crawl a while ago. We met at flinders st station and I was fully prepared to go to a jewish museum. She had told me she wanted to go to a museum in st.kilda and I asked peter what that could mean. He said the only one there that he knew of was the jewish one and seeing as how she is jewish i figured just maybe she was dragging me there.
I was wrong... NVG
She wanted to go to the NVG, National Gallery of Victoria which is located on St.Kilda road outside flinders st where Swanston turns into St. Kilda Rd. Go figure. No jewish museum for me.
The museum is free and is filled up of all sorts of art (sorry no picts). From paintings to old glassware. It was fun and I got to know Pearl a bit better. I wasnt so sure we were going to get along but I really liked her in the end. We had just gone to see some modern chairs when I got a phone call from Bec about plans for the night. I finished up the room real fast and said goodbye to Pearl so that I could get home in time to go to a party. On my way out I stopped by a fashion exhibit, peeked my head in real fast, and thought it would be fun to see that part with chrissy.
I jumped on the train around 4 to get home around 5. I had a quick bite to eat and then got ready for party time. It was becs mate Josh from uni and he was turning 21. Micheal, Bec and I drove all the way out to woop woop, picked up lost little stephanie and got to the party together. Seriously, the party was not too far from the city time wise however, it felt like you were ages away- no lights, dirt roads, barely any exits.
I knew some of the guys from an earlier party which was nice. I had champers on the tab until it ran out. Speaches were nice. And the band, it was live, just friends, but they were fantastic. They did some of the great songs that gets everyone going. We watched as creative dancing occurred. It was fun.
At around 12 we hit the road for the hour long drive home. Bec and I dozed off on the way.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Monday through to Friday
Monday, October 18, 2010
Indigenous studies
Listened to fridays genetics lecture because I didnt have a chance over the weekend.
Genetics Tute
Genetics lecture
Dinner and then HW
On the ride home I read this sign that was on a shop window.
It says: Happiness is like pissing your pants- everyone can see it, but only you can feel the warmth.
hahahaaaa- i love melb
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Nothing interesting:
Indigenous studies
International Politics lecture
Indigenous studies tute
There has been a campaign on many of melbournes billboards and signs inside of trains about getting tested for std's. Its extreamly amusing, and here is why....

Wednesday, October 20, 2010
This week is a bit odd. I have a lab in genetics even though I had one last week. However, i have no psychology lab this week, that is next week. So i guess you could say its a half on half off week. Since there are two weeks worth of students for gen lab they need to have the lab for gen week 2 next week.
This lab was dissecting squid kinda interesting.
So Genetics lab
work on genetics review
Genetics Lecture
came home with peter
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Cognitive Psychology
Went to go have lunch with chloe and waited 20 minutes before texting to ask if we were still up for meeting. No text for a while so I went outside and sat in the sun while I ate my packed lunch. During lunch I had someone ask me to fill out a survey so I did. I then had to run to south lawn to pick up tickets for MUSEX grand farewell party.
International Politics
International Politics tute- I was mad nervous about my paper that I had submitted a few weeks ago that was worth 50% of my grade. Jack my tutor didnt make it any easier. I thought we might get ours back today but he said he only corrected a few of them. At the end of the tute he had some rant about foreigners and how horrid they were, and why cant they just stay in their own country because they arent an asset to this country seeing as how they are so dumb. well, i thought this for sure was a reference to me. some anxiety later we got out of lecture and I asked my friend what that was all about. She told me to stop worrying, he was ranting about foreigners who were illiterate. well at least im literate, maybe he wasnt talking about my horrid paper?
Friday, October 22, 2010
Today I had a good sleep in. I didnt get to sleep in on wednesday or the wednesday before so I took friday with arms wide open.
I wasnt as productive as possible. I worked on some laundry.
In the evening we had to miss Peters fish fry to go to Becs highschool friend Chloe (not the chloe im always talking about) 21st birthday party. We had some time trying to find the place but when we did we parked and checked our names off the guest list. Got in and bec and I had
Chloes martini and finger food. Then some wine. I didnt really know anyone besides Alice and her bf Dave. When we sat down with some of Chloes work mates I made friends easily.
some champers later and it was speech time. I always love it when they give speaches, even if I dont know the people very well I like to hear the funny stories and the wonderful qualities of the person.
After speeches I got up and stood with the work group and chatted and danced until it was time to go home. I felt classy getting tipsy off of champers.
Indigenous studies
Listened to fridays genetics lecture because I didnt have a chance over the weekend.
Genetics Tute
Genetics lecture
Dinner and then HW
On the ride home I read this sign that was on a shop window.
It says: Happiness is like pissing your pants- everyone can see it, but only you can feel the warmth.
hahahaaaa- i love melb
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Nothing interesting:
Indigenous studies
International Politics lecture
Indigenous studies tute
There has been a campaign on many of melbournes billboards and signs inside of trains about getting tested for std's. Its extreamly amusing, and here is why....
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
This week is a bit odd. I have a lab in genetics even though I had one last week. However, i have no psychology lab this week, that is next week. So i guess you could say its a half on half off week. Since there are two weeks worth of students for gen lab they need to have the lab for gen week 2 next week.
This lab was dissecting squid kinda interesting.
So Genetics lab
work on genetics review
Genetics Lecture
came home with peter
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Cognitive Psychology
Went to go have lunch with chloe and waited 20 minutes before texting to ask if we were still up for meeting. No text for a while so I went outside and sat in the sun while I ate my packed lunch. During lunch I had someone ask me to fill out a survey so I did. I then had to run to south lawn to pick up tickets for MUSEX grand farewell party.
International Politics
International Politics tute- I was mad nervous about my paper that I had submitted a few weeks ago that was worth 50% of my grade. Jack my tutor didnt make it any easier. I thought we might get ours back today but he said he only corrected a few of them. At the end of the tute he had some rant about foreigners and how horrid they were, and why cant they just stay in their own country because they arent an asset to this country seeing as how they are so dumb. well, i thought this for sure was a reference to me. some anxiety later we got out of lecture and I asked my friend what that was all about. She told me to stop worrying, he was ranting about foreigners who were illiterate. well at least im literate, maybe he wasnt talking about my horrid paper?
Friday, October 22, 2010
Today I had a good sleep in. I didnt get to sleep in on wednesday or the wednesday before so I took friday with arms wide open.
I wasnt as productive as possible. I worked on some laundry.
In the evening we had to miss Peters fish fry to go to Becs highschool friend Chloe (not the chloe im always talking about) 21st birthday party. We had some time trying to find the place but when we did we parked and checked our names off the guest list. Got in and bec and I had

some champers later and it was speech time. I always love it when they give speaches, even if I dont know the people very well I like to hear the funny stories and the wonderful qualities of the person.
After speeches I got up and stood with the work group and chatted and danced until it was time to go home. I felt classy getting tipsy off of champers.
Forget me, not
October 17, 2010
Today I woke up to spend the day with chris. He was supposed to come around at 11am according to texting the night before. However, he was drunk at the time so I had reason to believe he would forget. I called him at 1130am and he didnt forget about me, no, he had just woken up... aka I had woken him up. He told me that If i didnt mind waiting he would get his car and drive over. So I waited, and waited, and waited. And by the time he came around i was a bit pissed becuase it seemed like he had taken his gd time. He finally came around at 1ish and we sat around and chatted for a bit before going out to go watch a movie.
We got to the movie theater and decided upon resident evil at like 4ish. We had a while to go so we went to the food court and as Chris flirted with the cashier we ordered souvlaki (aka gyros). We ate and talked and then went to go see the movie.
Resident evil was good, but i hadnt seen res evil 1 so i was a bit confused in the beginning. It was a 3-d movie which was kinda cool. After the movie I came home for dinner. Chris came in for a bit to say hi to everyone and then peaced out. We ate tea and then time for Offspring!!
Today I woke up to spend the day with chris. He was supposed to come around at 11am according to texting the night before. However, he was drunk at the time so I had reason to believe he would forget. I called him at 1130am and he didnt forget about me, no, he had just woken up... aka I had woken him up. He told me that If i didnt mind waiting he would get his car and drive over. So I waited, and waited, and waited. And by the time he came around i was a bit pissed becuase it seemed like he had taken his gd time. He finally came around at 1ish and we sat around and chatted for a bit before going out to go watch a movie.
We got to the movie theater and decided upon resident evil at like 4ish. We had a while to go so we went to the food court and as Chris flirted with the cashier we ordered souvlaki (aka gyros). We ate and talked and then went to go see the movie.
Resident evil was good, but i hadnt seen res evil 1 so i was a bit confused in the beginning. It was a 3-d movie which was kinda cool. After the movie I came home for dinner. Chris came in for a bit to say hi to everyone and then peaced out. We ate tea and then time for Offspring!!
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Winer Tour
Saturday, October 16, 2010
Today was the winery tour which meant I had to wake up early to be on the train by 8 so that I could get to the city, pick up some lunch and get to the meeting place on campus. I grabbed some hungry jacks double cheeseburger and chicken sandwich.
I got to south lawn on campus and there were some people already there. Nobody I really knew but I make friends easily. I was soon chatting with two people from france before we were moved undercover to get out of the rain. I then started talking with 3 guys from germany and a girl from sweeden. We joked that we had made it to the first out of three wineries because everyone started drinking goon already. We then moved to another overhange we called our second winery. Some more drinking and then moved to a third location, ie the third winery, before hopping on the bus. I sat down and a kid from italy sat next to me who lived in belgium.

We chatted and drank goon on our way to our first winery... Chandon. When we got there everyone on the bus was busting to take a piss so we took a bathroom break before going on a tour of the facilities and learning about wine. God, there is so much I didnt know about wine.... the dents in the bottle are for the fermentation process and not just bc they want to give you less wine, different wood making the barrels make the wine taste different, they turn the bottles a quarter of an inch one way and then rotate it back 1/8th of an inch.
Now for some history about Chandon: Chandon was established by one fo the most famous champagne houses, Moet and Chandon which was founded in 1743 in the Champagne region of France.
Ok thats it about history.
Here is our cute tour guy who is also possibly gay but i seriously cant tell sometimes here.
Here is what the grapes go through all during the different seasons:
Spring- September to November:
Bud Burst- As the temperature begin to rise, the vines awaken from their winter dormancy. Buds begin to burst and new shoots appear, each one destined to produce on or two bunches of grapes. The new shoots are spread along the trellis which ensures ideal exposure of both leaves and bunches to the sun. If spring frosts threaten, hellicopters can be called in to prevent frost damage by mixing warm air from above with the freezing air near the ground.
Summer- December to February:
Vine growth and Berry development: When the warmth of smmer arrives, growth accelerates. This is when our viticulturists are at their most vigilant to ensure the leaf canopy allows the fruit to even exposure to sunlight and to manage disease risk. If the crop is high, bunches are removed to ensure that the remaining grapes reach their optimum flavor. As they begin to ripen (veraison), the grapes soften, start to change colour, sugar levels increase, acidity decreases and most importantly, ripe fruit flavours develop.
Fall- March to May:
Harvest: Autumn is the business end of the vintage. Harvest is the culmination of a whole year of dedicated labour and there is a sense of excitement and urgency throughout the vineyard and winery. Grapes for our sparkling wines are picked first and Cabernet Sauvignon for still wines always the last. Once the harvest is over, the leaves on the vines turn a spectacular golden yellow and then, like a final curtain call, fall gently to the earth.
Winter- April to August
Dormancy and Pruning: During winter when the vines are dormant they are spur pruned. This is long and exacting manual work. The strongest shoots are selected and cut back to one or two buds which establishes balanced growth and the right crop level for the following vintage. Once pruning is completed, the neat rows of pruned, dormant vines are ready for spring and the start of the cycle again.
There were signs of this on the wall and i took photos but they came out readable but mad blurry. I was like, I am a bit tipsy right now and can probs read it on my camera right now, if i cant read it when i sober up then ill just get a bit tipsy so that i can read it again and put it in my blog. lol

Here is a pict of the area where they "stomp on the grapes" cept well they dont step on them no more.
The Barrel Room:
The Influence of the Barrels-
When wine is aged or fermented in barrel there are three important influences:
1) addition of desireable oak flavours (eg Vanillin) and oak tannins into the wine.
2) The rounding of the mouth feel and integration of the oak and grape flavours and
3) the slow and desirable maturation of the wine.
The choice of oak:
The winemakers challenge is to match the wines fruit flavours and tannin structure to an
appropriate type of oak- one with natural aroma and personality that will complement and enhance the character of the wine. As our signature style is one of elegance and restraint, French oak is usually the oak barrel of choice, with wines aged in both new and aged barriques. Chardonnay, our only white wine to receive barrel fermentation, is aged for 9 to 12 months in oak barrels before being blended and bottled, while our red wines receive between 9
to 18 months barrel ageing, depending on the grape variety.
After this we went to the shop to buy some if we liked and they also sat us down to have a sample glass of one of their three available wines. I had a sparkling sweet white : )
They also gave us a free peice of cheese and bread!! ohh ahhh, so generous.
After this people could go buy some or wander outside. I wandered outside and tried to take a jumping shot with the vines in the back.

We then got back in the bus, drank some more goon on our way to the next one. This winery was a bit different. We essentailly got our glass and could have any wine/as much wine as we wanted. I tasted a lot of wines and learned some interesting things. I do not like sweet red dessert wines. I do not enjoy Savengon as much as Chardonnay. I completely find Shiraz too woody. Moscota is still my fave.
I used the bathroom and something minor and funny happened that I laughed the whole time. I then realized I was drunk.
We got back on the bus and went to some little town to have lunch. I already had mine but some others didnt. So we sat outside a restaurant (bc they had no room inside) and I ate my hungry jacks while others ate or bought theres.
We then got back on the bus for our final wine stop. I was a bit tired of sweet wine at this time and the food in my stomach soaked up some of the booze, sobering me up. The third winery had a hens night going on. Everyone was a bit rambunctious at this point. I tried to have a glass of Riesling but tasted it and knew i was done for the day. I put it in the big as spit pot that was sitting there. To me the wine tasted pretty bad, but idk if it truely was bad quality or i was just over it. some things in the 3rd winery...

I like the sign, not so sure about the moose.
After some of the guys almost got thrown out and we finished we headed to a side trip to go to a brewery just to mix it up a little. It wasnt officially part of the trip and you had to pay for the beer so I stayed out of it. They sold some choc beer which sounded interesting but I didnt want to have to pay. I stood outside with two aussies and an american as they drank their beers, told stories of them and their girlfriends new cats, etc etc.
After this we got on the bus to head home. I sat next to the group i talked with at the beer bar. After the winery everyone planned on going to some all you can eat buffet of dumplings which was 15$. However, I had lasagna waiting for me at home which i couldnt pass up.
I got home in time to run into bec bf she was out for the night. I had had a long day and not enough time to get ready to go out with her so i stayed back. We just relaxed at dinner and watched tv afterwards. I had a few good glasses of milk to get rid of the sweetness left in my mouth from the wine.
Today was the winery tour which meant I had to wake up early to be on the train by 8 so that I could get to the city, pick up some lunch and get to the meeting place on campus. I grabbed some hungry jacks double cheeseburger and chicken sandwich.
I got to south lawn on campus and there were some people already there. Nobody I really knew but I make friends easily. I was soon chatting with two people from france before we were moved undercover to get out of the rain. I then started talking with 3 guys from germany and a girl from sweeden. We joked that we had made it to the first out of three wineries because everyone started drinking goon already. We then moved to another overhange we called our second winery. Some more drinking and then moved to a third location, ie the third winery, before hopping on the bus. I sat down and a kid from italy sat next to me who lived in belgium.
We chatted and drank goon on our way to our first winery... Chandon. When we got there everyone on the bus was busting to take a piss so we took a bathroom break before going on a tour of the facilities and learning about wine. God, there is so much I didnt know about wine.... the dents in the bottle are for the fermentation process and not just bc they want to give you less wine, different wood making the barrels make the wine taste different, they turn the bottles a quarter of an inch one way and then rotate it back 1/8th of an inch.
Now for some history about Chandon: Chandon was established by one fo the most famous champagne houses, Moet and Chandon which was founded in 1743 in the Champagne region of France.
Ok thats it about history.
Here is our cute tour guy who is also possibly gay but i seriously cant tell sometimes here.
Here is what the grapes go through all during the different seasons:
Spring- September to November:
Bud Burst- As the temperature begin to rise, the vines awaken from their winter dormancy. Buds begin to burst and new shoots appear, each one destined to produce on or two bunches of grapes. The new shoots are spread along the trellis which ensures ideal exposure of both leaves and bunches to the sun. If spring frosts threaten, hellicopters can be called in to prevent frost damage by mixing warm air from above with the freezing air near the ground.
Summer- December to February:
Vine growth and Berry development: When the warmth of smmer arrives, growth accelerates. This is when our viticulturists are at their most vigilant to ensure the leaf canopy allows the fruit to even exposure to sunlight and to manage disease risk. If the crop is high, bunches are removed to ensure that the remaining grapes reach their optimum flavor. As they begin to ripen (veraison), the grapes soften, start to change colour, sugar levels increase, acidity decreases and most importantly, ripe fruit flavours develop.
Fall- March to May:
Harvest: Autumn is the business end of the vintage. Harvest is the culmination of a whole year of dedicated labour and there is a sense of excitement and urgency throughout the vineyard and winery. Grapes for our sparkling wines are picked first and Cabernet Sauvignon for still wines always the last. Once the harvest is over, the leaves on the vines turn a spectacular golden yellow and then, like a final curtain call, fall gently to the earth.
Winter- April to August
Dormancy and Pruning: During winter when the vines are dormant they are spur pruned. This is long and exacting manual work. The strongest shoots are selected and cut back to one or two buds which establishes balanced growth and the right crop level for the following vintage. Once pruning is completed, the neat rows of pruned, dormant vines are ready for spring and the start of the cycle again.
There were signs of this on the wall and i took photos but they came out readable but mad blurry. I was like, I am a bit tipsy right now and can probs read it on my camera right now, if i cant read it when i sober up then ill just get a bit tipsy so that i can read it again and put it in my blog. lol
Here is a pict of the area where they "stomp on the grapes" cept well they dont step on them no more.
The Barrel Room:
The Influence of the Barrels-
When wine is aged or fermented in barrel there are three important influences:
1) addition of desireable oak flavours (eg Vanillin) and oak tannins into the wine.
2) The rounding of the mouth feel and integration of the oak and grape flavours and
3) the slow and desirable maturation of the wine.
The choice of oak:
The winemakers challenge is to match the wines fruit flavours and tannin structure to an
After this we went to the shop to buy some if we liked and they also sat us down to have a sample glass of one of their three available wines. I had a sparkling sweet white : )
They also gave us a free peice of cheese and bread!! ohh ahhh, so generous.
After this people could go buy some or wander outside. I wandered outside and tried to take a jumping shot with the vines in the back.
We then got back in the bus, drank some more goon on our way to the next one. This winery was a bit different. We essentailly got our glass and could have any wine/as much wine as we wanted. I tasted a lot of wines and learned some interesting things. I do not like sweet red dessert wines. I do not enjoy Savengon as much as Chardonnay. I completely find Shiraz too woody. Moscota is still my fave.
I used the bathroom and something minor and funny happened that I laughed the whole time. I then realized I was drunk.
We got back on the bus and went to some little town to have lunch. I already had mine but some others didnt. So we sat outside a restaurant (bc they had no room inside) and I ate my hungry jacks while others ate or bought theres.
We then got back on the bus for our final wine stop. I was a bit tired of sweet wine at this time and the food in my stomach soaked up some of the booze, sobering me up. The third winery had a hens night going on. Everyone was a bit rambunctious at this point. I tried to have a glass of Riesling but tasted it and knew i was done for the day. I put it in the big as spit pot that was sitting there. To me the wine tasted pretty bad, but idk if it truely was bad quality or i was just over it. some things in the 3rd winery...
I like the sign, not so sure about the moose.
After some of the guys almost got thrown out and we finished we headed to a side trip to go to a brewery just to mix it up a little. It wasnt officially part of the trip and you had to pay for the beer so I stayed out of it. They sold some choc beer which sounded interesting but I didnt want to have to pay. I stood outside with two aussies and an american as they drank their beers, told stories of them and their girlfriends new cats, etc etc.
After this we got on the bus to head home. I sat next to the group i talked with at the beer bar. After the winery everyone planned on going to some all you can eat buffet of dumplings which was 15$. However, I had lasagna waiting for me at home which i couldnt pass up.
I got home in time to run into bec bf she was out for the night. I had had a long day and not enough time to get ready to go out with her so i stayed back. We just relaxed at dinner and watched tv afterwards. I had a few good glasses of milk to get rid of the sweetness left in my mouth from the wine.
Soccer time
Friday, October 15, 2010
So I was going to go to the immigration museum and then realized, A. I was tired and B. It was raining cats and dogs outside. So instead I stayed home and attempted to get some homework done. I wasnt as productive as possible though.
Once bec came home I grabbed a bit to eat and then Micheal, Bec and I went off to go play soccer indoors. Brett, Jaimie, Jess, Dale, Daniel, Laura, Mic and Sarah were all there. I played on a team with Jamie, Micheal, Daniel while Brett was a sub for either team while some guy i didnt know, Laura, Dale, and Bec played on the other team. All the rest showed their support by cheering us on. There was a rule that a girl had to touch the ball before someone scored. Halfway through when our team put Jaimie on goalie which meant i had to touch the ball all the time. they decided just to set me up so that i would just be the one who scored. This worked for me. If it wasnt for the team I wouldnt have been able to score as well as I did (and I def missed a good bit of the time). none the less the team thought i did such a good job (i guess) that at the end of the game when we won I got the trophy for being MVP. I seriously wasnt the most valuable player but they wouldnt take no for an answer.
After the game we played until our time ran out. It was essentially just kicking the ball around. We then went over to the bar for some drinks and I got myself a cooler which was refreshing. I had a fantastic time, have a new trophy to bring home, and realize how much i need to work out when i get back!
So I was going to go to the immigration museum and then realized, A. I was tired and B. It was raining cats and dogs outside. So instead I stayed home and attempted to get some homework done. I wasnt as productive as possible though.
Once bec came home I grabbed a bit to eat and then Micheal, Bec and I went off to go play soccer indoors. Brett, Jaimie, Jess, Dale, Daniel, Laura, Mic and Sarah were all there. I played on a team with Jamie, Micheal, Daniel while Brett was a sub for either team while some guy i didnt know, Laura, Dale, and Bec played on the other team. All the rest showed their support by cheering us on. There was a rule that a girl had to touch the ball before someone scored. Halfway through when our team put Jaimie on goalie which meant i had to touch the ball all the time. they decided just to set me up so that i would just be the one who scored. This worked for me. If it wasnt for the team I wouldnt have been able to score as well as I did (and I def missed a good bit of the time). none the less the team thought i did such a good job (i guess) that at the end of the game when we won I got the trophy for being MVP. I seriously wasnt the most valuable player but they wouldnt take no for an answer.
After the game we played until our time ran out. It was essentially just kicking the ball around. We then went over to the bar for some drinks and I got myself a cooler which was refreshing. I had a fantastic time, have a new trophy to bring home, and realize how much i need to work out when i get back!
Monday, November 22, 2010
Ye Gawds
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Today I had Psychology as usual.
Before lunch with Chloe and friends I made a phone call to chrissy to go over trip details. I booked the hostel as well and we are basically ready to go.
I went to go see Chloe and friends and chatted with them for a bit before leaving momentarily to go buy winery tour tickets for myself with MUSEX. I ran into Pearl on the way and we promised we would hang out. I had some issues finding MUSEX and ran into a french guy I had made friends with at the Pub crawl. He didnt know where I was supposed to go either and said he thought I was too late. Well he was wrong, and I found them a few yards away from him. I paid my 60$ and grabbed my ticket and then grabbed a Lemon squash from the barbie going on on south lawn.
Back to Chloe till class at 230. Politics. After politics I got ahold of Anu to get my money back. I had to run to the building she had class in and she finally gave it to me,half of it was in change.
I decided to just hang out outside my politics tute. Its on the second to tallest floor in the building and it has a great view...
Ive never been that far on that side of the city, but one day ill go exploring.
Politics was kinda fun as usual.
When I got back from school I jumped on my computer and it had some issues. I was faced with the same type of problem I had last friday. I tried to get on to dell through connecting by the same means as last time but it didnt work. I got on to dell right away on chat and fixed the problem temporarily. I was told that the company who installed my stuff on the new hard drive installed my drivers incorrectly. He said i needed it reinstalled especially if it happens agian. GOD!!
I later got on the phone to chris.
Today I had Psychology as usual.
Before lunch with Chloe and friends I made a phone call to chrissy to go over trip details. I booked the hostel as well and we are basically ready to go.
I went to go see Chloe and friends and chatted with them for a bit before leaving momentarily to go buy winery tour tickets for myself with MUSEX. I ran into Pearl on the way and we promised we would hang out. I had some issues finding MUSEX and ran into a french guy I had made friends with at the Pub crawl. He didnt know where I was supposed to go either and said he thought I was too late. Well he was wrong, and I found them a few yards away from him. I paid my 60$ and grabbed my ticket and then grabbed a Lemon squash from the barbie going on on south lawn.
Back to Chloe till class at 230. Politics. After politics I got ahold of Anu to get my money back. I had to run to the building she had class in and she finally gave it to me,half of it was in change.
I decided to just hang out outside my politics tute. Its on the second to tallest floor in the building and it has a great view...
Politics was kinda fun as usual.
When I got back from school I jumped on my computer and it had some issues. I was faced with the same type of problem I had last friday. I tried to get on to dell through connecting by the same means as last time but it didnt work. I got on to dell right away on chat and fixed the problem temporarily. I was told that the company who installed my stuff on the new hard drive installed my drivers incorrectly. He said i needed it reinstalled especially if it happens agian. GOD!!
I later got on the phone to chris.
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