Indigenous studies
Listened to fridays genetics lecture because I didnt have a chance over the weekend.
Genetics Tute
Genetics lecture
Dinner and then HW
On the ride home I read this sign that was on a shop window.
It says: Happiness is like pissing your pants- everyone can see it, but only you can feel the warmth.
hahahaaaa- i love melb
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Nothing interesting:
Indigenous studies
International Politics lecture
Indigenous studies tute
There has been a campaign on many of melbournes billboards and signs inside of trains about getting tested for std's. Its extreamly amusing, and here is why....
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
This week is a bit odd. I have a lab in genetics even though I had one last week. However, i have no psychology lab this week, that is next week. So i guess you could say its a half on half off week. Since there are two weeks worth of students for gen lab they need to have the lab for gen week 2 next week.
This lab was dissecting squid kinda interesting.
So Genetics lab
work on genetics review
Genetics Lecture
came home with peter
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Cognitive Psychology
Went to go have lunch with chloe and waited 20 minutes before texting to ask if we were still up for meeting. No text for a while so I went outside and sat in the sun while I ate my packed lunch. During lunch I had someone ask me to fill out a survey so I did. I then had to run to south lawn to pick up tickets for MUSEX grand farewell party.
International Politics
International Politics tute- I was mad nervous about my paper that I had submitted a few weeks ago that was worth 50% of my grade. Jack my tutor didnt make it any easier. I thought we might get ours back today but he said he only corrected a few of them. At the end of the tute he had some rant about foreigners and how horrid they were, and why cant they just stay in their own country because they arent an asset to this country seeing as how they are so dumb. well, i thought this for sure was a reference to me. some anxiety later we got out of lecture and I asked my friend what that was all about. She told me to stop worrying, he was ranting about foreigners who were illiterate. well at least im literate, maybe he wasnt talking about my horrid paper?
Friday, October 22, 2010
Today I had a good sleep in. I didnt get to sleep in on wednesday or the wednesday before so I took friday with arms wide open.
I wasnt as productive as possible. I worked on some laundry.
In the evening we had to miss Peters fish fry to go to Becs highschool friend Chloe (not the chloe im always talking about) 21st birthday party. We had some time trying to find the place but when we did we parked and checked our names off the guest list. Got in and bec and I had

some champers later and it was speech time. I always love it when they give speaches, even if I dont know the people very well I like to hear the funny stories and the wonderful qualities of the person.
After speeches I got up and stood with the work group and chatted and danced until it was time to go home. I felt classy getting tipsy off of champers.
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