We got back to the hotel and decided our muscles needed a good dip in the hot tub, so about six of us got suited up and went to the pool. A half an hour chilling in the warm (not hot) tub we decided we needed to get back to prep for our night out. I gathered my things and ran to the elevator where it was freezing- isnt that always the case after the inside pool. Got into my warm shower back in the room which was lovely, got out and realized I had already lost my new cell phone. AHHHHHHHHHH. Got dressed and rushed to the pool to see if I left it there- I did!! thankgod.

Everyone got ready and we headed towards the Gaff- a pub a couple of streets up that Russ had set us up with. At the Gaff we were met by Harry who gave us Gaff VIP cards. The VIP cards gave us dinner for 6$ and beers 4$ spirits 5$ for as long as we are in Australia- pretty nice. We

were also allowed to buy a 12$ drink card that gave us 4 drinks but didnt start till 9pm (and it was 7pm). The same night they were also having an event- a leather fettish event that required 22$ entrance fee and to be dressed up. The event was downstairs but we werent allowed to go see without paying- they did have to walk by us to get downstairs tho and that was interesting.
I ordered steak and mash for 6$ and ate it with a monster energy drink (they were free outside) and chatted it up. At about 8:30 we had such a

presence at the place that they gave us free shots when the song "Shots" by LMFAO came on. First 2 free alcoholic drinks of the night. I had to go to the bathroom after that huge monster and when I did they had run out of toilet paper and paper towels- but I found some cardboard. I told myself I might as well use the mens room next time if the womens doesnt have paper!
Finally it was 9 pm and I could go by my drink tickets. At this point so many people were

already tipsy/drunk and I hadnt hardly had anything- I was worried they would want to leave soon and go to a diff venue but I took my chances and got the card. Started off with a rum and coke, which was gone in like 5 seconds so I had a vodka and cranberry. Chilling with Rhianon, Megan, Nicole and talking to the bartender (Joe) he decided to just make us a drink for fun, for free! I still didnt feel anything until I asked Joe (who was now our favorite aussie bartender and who was really from England) to make me a creation of his that was fruity. After much time and consideration he came back with something kinda funny coloured but nice with a watermellony taste- he said free of charge. This was way stronger than everything else he had been making and I had to sit down when I drank it. Chatting and dancing with the group until I met up with amanda and lamented very dramatically about the toilets ( had to go again). She told me they put new in- and I went to discover her claim. I came back very thankful to amanda as any drunk person who was given toilet paper would. I still had 2 drinks left on my stub so I got myself a vodka sunrise and danced around with everyone. Then people decided that they wanted to go to Kings Cross to party so I took a shot of rum (my last stub) and met with everyone outside.

We all walked down to kings cross- trying to be quite (not easy for me even when im sober). We walked around to one club were some people wanted to get in and were told that it was 20$ entrance. Most of us were not up for that and some of us didnt even have the funds anymore so we thought we could all go somewhere where everyone could get in- but some individuals didnt care to stick with the group and got in line to get in- jerk move (just sayin). I still dont see why they had to be so clickish. We (the non rich kids) then meandered around until we found a place that would get us in for free even thought it normally costs. It was ok- we got in, some people had a 7$ beer, then when they finished we decided we were finished. We walked towards the Gaff and some went back others and myself went to bed.
We got to the hotel Lobby. One of the things the lobby will do is hold on to your keys for you so you dont risk losing them and then give them to you to access when your there. We all asked for our different room numbers- 7303 was what I asked for.... they didnt have a key for that room. So I jumped on the elevator and hoped that someone was near who lived with me. It took me like 5 min for the drunk people next door to hear me. Everyone who had wanted to stay at the one expensive club and not keep with the group was there- apparently one of the girls had forgotten her id and so they had come back to drink in the room (losers). I got a key from them and got into my room.
Things i learned the next morning---
*I dont live in room 7303, I live in room 7301 (i had been asking for the wrong key at the desk)
*People are idiots------- one of the girls (shibhon- the same one who forgot her id the night bf at kings cross) had given her purse to another girl (katie) to hold. These two girls only met a couple of days ago fyi. Katie somehow never brought Shibhons pocketbook back and doesnt really remember what happened, due to the alcohol. Now shibhon is missing her credit cards, a 100$ room key, and 400$ cash. She uses the hotel phone to call her bank- an extra 30$ in calls.--- like i said idiots
Well for the record my name is Siobhain not Shibhon so I would appreciate if you fixed that. First things first do not talk shit about me or my friends on the internet it is rude, immature and uncalled for. You knew me for maybe five days and you in no way could judge my character enough to call me an idiot. Secondly, it's disgusting that you want to blame me or my friend Katie for getting my wallet stolen. It can happen to anyone, drunk or sober, and was not intentional. Also, I didn't make any calls on the room phone I used my friend’s cell phone, try and get your story straight. All in all Michelle I find this blog to be full of lies and malice and I would appreciate if you never spoke my name again let alone blogged about me. Thank you.