I like my "no school fridays" even though everything considered I actually do have class on friday. I just like to forget about it and not show up/listen to it online later.
Today I decided to go into the city (what a surprise) and meet up with a girl from my Indig Studies tute. I wasnt sure what we were going to do but I figured it would be fun. and i was right
Got to Melb Central Station at 11 and met up with Laryssa. We walked around (aka all the way down to Flinders St) until we found a coffee shop that we liked. On
Looking through our melb guides we decided to go to the Australian Center for the Moving Image (ACMI). It was free- a definite plus.
Outside the museum I found some intersting things (there was a tim burton exhibit going on in one of the galleries) :
This is a super cool museum with old movie makers. Some photos of the original movie makers from back in the day:
From Left- Shadow Images. Instead of having a movie you make your own by projecting a light and in front of the light you shine these people which in turn block the light. Its kinda like a puppet show with shaddows. Center- ummm i dont actually remember what this was. Right - a crank movie. You take hold of the red handle and turn it clockwise or counter clockwise to make all the pictures appear as if they were moving.
Below is a movie I recorded on my camera:
The movie is before sound was introduced or color or even background music.
Below Left- Color Camera!!!!! modern marvel. Center- you dont know this show but I think i would have liked it as a kid. Skippy the Bush Kangaroo!!!!! Watch the intro on youtube here! Right- I saw this and thought of John right quick. This is Buster Keaton, a silent movie comedian.
Above Left- a clear version of the first home televisions. It was made clear (this version) to show people that there werent little men inside the tv. hahaha, well maybe not but thats what it said. Center- ummm amazing star wars action figures. Right- Toy Story figures.
Top Left- The Wiggles!! Toy, hat and award for the kids show the Wiggles. Annoying to watch when ur an adult but the kids seem to like it. Center- Treasures from The Pirates of the Caribbean!!!!!!!! AHHHH!!!!! If you dont understand this then you dont understand life. hahah jk. if I remember correctly the ring belongs to Capt Barbosa. Right- Sword and treasure chest from Pirates.
Left- Another metal outfit worn by a member of the Kelly Gang (remember my article on "Ian Potter and Shots Museum" ). I feel like I am collecting images of all the gangs outfits. Center- uhhh i didnt know who this was but I thought it was funny. Zooming in on my image it says the robot is "Dexter" from a tv dating game. Right- an outfit worn in the Queen Elizabeth movie. Kinda a cool outfit~ it would have looked better in hot pink tho. lol.
Finishing up at the ACMI i said goodbye to Larissa and got on the train to make it home for tea. Fish and Chips- amazing as always- with guest Kevin. If I remember properly, at night Anita, Peter and I sat down for our Waking the Dead tv show. When I go back to America I need to find this show on tv.
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