I got to sleep in till 11am, YES. and then i worked on genetics problems all day, nooo.
Next, next monday I have a test in genetics worth 10% (not much but still). I figured a good way to start was to work on the practice problems online. I got pretty far until I hit the problems that we learned how to do in prac 1 that I had to guess at. I put that down and tried my luck at the online test that was due next next friday that was already up. I got to problem 2 and was frustrated. I then listened to my lecture online. Exciting isnt it.
That was essentially my day.
In the evening we watched farmer wants a wife. A show came up later called Embarrassing Bodies which was very interesting. Apparently in Au they can show full nudity of patients of both sexes on tele. That would never fly in America. It entertained me how they could show what they were showing. Topics covered include: IBS, different sized boobs, ED, wrinkled testes, man boobs, etc.
*****Culture Note: When they need money in australia they tax alcohol and cigarettes very heavily. Alcohol here is very expensive as opposed to back in the states. In US you can buy a bottle of rum for 20$ will cost nearly 40$ here. Cigaretts are almost even worse depending on how much you smoke. For Marlboros 25 it costs $15.90 in australia where as america sells anywhere from 3.95-9$. Big difference, and the difference is in the taxation. In stores that sell cigarettes there is also a different aspect: Visually on boxes and help signs anti smoking is everywhere. Each place that sells cigs has a quite smoking hotline number. Cig boxes have images of side effects of smoking tobacco. Below are some images of cig boxes, beware they can be a bit groody*****
Cigaret Boxes:

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