Here is the next 4 days in a short condensed version so that i can catch up (and because nothing of real interest happened that i need to dwell on)
Really, Nothing Interesting...
Monday, September 13, 2010
This is an on week. I had Indigenous Studies, Psych Prac, Genetics Tute, and Genetics Lecture. I handed in a Lab that I had worked on in Psychology practical but other than that the day was ordinary.
Here is a picture of the building i have my indigenous studies lecture in, called the old arts building. i liked the architecture so i took a pic.
Iced Choc Fail!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Today i had indigenous studies, politics lecture and indigenous tute.
I went to the library to work on a paper for politics after indigenous studies lecture. I got a good bit done. The paper had two different approaches, you could either write one of the essays that the prof gave or one from the tute guy. I figured my tutor might enjoy reading one of his topics so i chose his even though it was out of my comfort zone. He wanted us to think for ourselves and not site others bc it should be our thoughts. This isnt my specialty. Im very good at writing a research paper but I dont like to philosophize and come up with my own political theories. But i figured it would be a good experience so i went for it. hopefully i made the right choice.
I went to go to my politics tute but the lecturer was sick or something so we didnt have it. I figured I would grab an iced choc and then work on the paper but I met a classmate on my way out and he had some time so we sat and chatted for an hour. I got an iced choc from a new venue and it was CRAP. it was just chocolate milk...... uhhh did i ask for choc milk? no. Anyway I had a good chat with him, Blake, hes a indigenous homosexual and a super sweet guy.
Anyway, those were the highlights of my day.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Since its an on week i have genetics prac. The prac wasnt too bad, we looked at a lot of algea and fungi and such. ohh so interesting... not. It wasnt as rushed because we were observing and then drawing. However, at marymount we never had to do technical drawings so mine arent up to par on how to do them. We had like a 3 question quize and then had to hand in our drawings (shit- hopefully they werent too bad). Its not that my drawings are bad, its just that i dont know how to properly scale things and such. Anyway...
After prac I went to go work on my paper some more. I got pretty far. I practically finished my 2,000 word essay except for revisions. proud of myself. now lets cross the fingers that its what he wanted. (im a bit worried that it might not be).
Then I had genetics lecture and afterwards jumped on the tram, train to get to peters work to go to visit Kitty! They had just returned and it was nice to talk with them. Im getting excited about my trip to the great barrier reef and queensland and it was nice to talk about their travels to iceland and such.
Thats my day, the most interesting of parts that is.... well maybe not all that interesting but oh well.
Becs Bday!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Today was kinda like, FML day.
Last night I was being a bad student and just surfing the internet when my computer freezes. So i turned it off and on again thinking it would just reset itself. When it turned back on i got this death message of "Startup error, running startup check. might take a few hours" so I leave it on, all night. I called my dad that night and asked him what the hell was i supposed to do. He said to let it run, it might need a while, and see what it says when i wake up. So i did. When i woke up the same thing that i left it doing was still doing. Nothing new had happened. This is after a good 9 hours too. So I called dad again, we both agreed that i should take it into the university to have the IT service look at it. Well guess what, there is no IT service for students (just for university problems). Before class I decided to chat with the ppl at dell about my laptop problem on a school comp. They told me to run some analysis using F12 or something. I then ran to class bc i was late and figured it could to the analysis as I was in class.
I walked in late to psychology class and took a seat. 10minutes later my computer decided it had found an error (which is what i wanted it to do) and proceed to alert me by making a loud as noise. I figured I just had the volume up so i tried turning it down, same noise. Turning the volume off, same noise. closing my monitor, same f*&(&&% noise. Everyone was really looking at me now. Like the class had stopped. I picked up my comp and ran out of the class as everyone was cracking up. It wasnt embarrassing i just felt bad that i interrupted. I got to the hallway and wrote down the message (as it was beeping the hell out of itself), turned it off and went back to class.
Class finished and i got on to dell again this time with the error code (which meant nothing to me but something to them i guess). they told me to run the test again. GOD. Some time and stupid beeping later I gave them the new error code. They told me my hard drive was corrupted. Apparently I needed to restore my data and transfer it onto a new hard drive (trusting that I CAN restore my data... GOD). I then spent the next couple of hours on the phone with different people trying to see if they could restore my data. At one point I had to call up dell again to see if I could get the hard drive shipped to Australia since it was bought in America. I had to transfer ownership first.
Next class, politics lecture and then tute.
I decided to come home after school bc it was becs bday. She had to run some errands but I got to see her a bit which was good. Micheal told me of a company i could go with that was reliable to restore the data which helped me relax.
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