On the bus I got my own set of seats. That is until I arrived somwhere, probably in the middle of nowhere, when the bus driver "cracked the shits" at us for not already being awake and alert to move from one bus to another. He yelled at us and I feel like the whole bus woke up, in a daze, as if maybe something serious was wrong (fire? woman giving birth? Swarm of angry crocs attacking the bus?). No, just angry bus man yelling for us to "get off the bus if you ever want to arrive at your destination".
The second bus I shared seats with some chick and had to sleep upright. We arrived in Arlie Beach around 11 not to sail ship till 2pm. In order to get to the docks we had to walk what seemed like ages with all our shit (turns out its just a bit over a mile, however it was really hot and I was carrying 20 lbs on my back).
We got to the area we were supposed to be but we couldnt figure out where we were supposed to meet (granit it was like 2 hours bf we had to officially be there but still). Alyssa and I asking some questions figured it out and sat down to eat a chicken pie and carrot cake for lunch. We made friends with some germans as we sat and waited.
At around 130 this huge bunch of ppl in coconut bras and grass skirts (and im talking about the guys) rocked up to where we were supposed to meet in 30minutes. They were mad rowdy and crazy and I was kinda hoping that we werent on the same boat. Well 30 min later and they are still where we are supposed to meet. It turns out they were there to have a party on our island for the night, taking our boat with us. At least we only had to have them for the one day.
We dragged all our ish to the inside of the boat and then was introduced to the crew; we have james the skipper, Karsten the first mate, and elin the hostess. On the boat we were allowed to byo but no glass. On the island we were only allowed to buy drinks. I figured I would just buy at the island but it might have been smart to bring a cask of goon or smuggle a bottle. idk.
It took about two hours to sail out to our island, south molle island.
We relaxed on the boat as we road the waters. It reminds me of a song that was big, Im on a boat. When we got to the island we had to figure out who we wanted to share rooms with. I was in a room with Anu, Alyssa, Ana (from mexico) and Claudia (from chili). Both girls turned out to be super sweet and fun. We got our keys, stinger suite, and snorkel head set and went to our room to unpack. We were supposed to meet up if we wanted to go on an Aboriginal bush walk of the island but it started to rain so everyone nixed it. Instead the group went to nap, I showered (it had been forever it felt like), and then did some reading. It was then time to get everyone up and get ready for dinner. We were given three trash bags to make an outfit for the night so we quickly made some dresses out of them. We then went down to dinner.
They had steak, potatoes, and rice. the steak was decent and the potatoes ok, the rice was shit. I kinda expected more. Next to the group at the bar the group was playing beer pong. Once we were done eating everyone went over to join. There was a mad beer pong game that went off. Poms vs Aussies. The first game was good fun, the second game was worth 50$. Poms won the first one and then lost the most important game. Totally hilarious. The amusing part was how horrible they were at the rules. The couldnt keep their elbows off, kept re-arranging the cups after the 2 rule, didnt do bounce backs, etc. I had a vodka sunrise and chatted with some people in our group (most ppl are from ireland, along with some poms, french). Went to bed around 12 and when I tried to call Briana like I had promised I was told that I could only make emergency phone calls. I figured I was out of credit on my phone so I tried Alyssas. Hers gave me the same thing. We both figured we were out of credit bc we both had one bar if you stood in a certain way in the bathroom. Had to go to bed not wishing her luck... : (
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