Umm so today was fantastic.
Started off early in the morning with a champagne breakfast. Bec, Jess, Chloe and I meet at Mocha Joes and had champagne for becs bday and a bagel for me.
After breakie Chloe, Bec and I went over to Chaddy to see if we could find me a dress for the party for less than 40$. I was told this was going to be difficult and I did figure as much judging from the prices ive seen previously.
The first shop we went into was Edge. We told the shop girl about my budget and she took me to the sale rack. Picked out a few dresses for myself and went to try on. While doing this Chloe and Bec picked some out and gave em to me to try. This was really useful because without them I would never have noticed the dress that i ended up getting. I decided to see if there was anything else i liked better in another shop but in the end I ended up going back to Edge and grabbing the dress for (get this) 30$!!!!!!
***** Culture Note: America is very big into internet shopping and browsing. Here in Australia you go onto a stores website and you cant see the merchandise and you cant buy it online. This is kinda annoying because I dont know the shops and I kinda would like to get a preview of the merchandise AND the prices. If you dont believe me check out the Edge's website*****
After finding me a dress, and some jewelry for bec we jumped in the car to get on with our day. Dropping Chloe off we made our way to get becs hair done at her hair dressers. We got there and chatted it up when the owner decided he wanted to do something with my hair super quick before we left. It was so super nice of him. Bec got big volume and curls and i got little curls in an updo that he kinda created on the spot. It was really fantastic and seeing as how I have never a. gotten my hair done, or b. had curls, i was very happy.
After hair we went back to Chaddys to get make-up done at Napoleon. We met up with Laura and Jess who got theirs done before us. Ive also never gotten my make-up done so it was really nice as well. Id like to thank Lauren and Bec for helping me do this.
After make-up we made our way to the car trying not to mess up our hair/make-up. We drove home to get dressed to get ready to go. Micheal met us there and we all took photos of how fantastic we looked.
Umm... so we look fantastic, no?
After photos we tried to get a hold of mic and sarah who said they would drive Bec, Micheal, and me to the Arcadia where the Bday party was. However, they left late from their house so we jumped in the car with Anita and Peter.
Some setting up was involved and then people started to arrive. So many people showed up; footy guys, family friends, uni friends, and close friends. It was super nice because I had meet so many of them already that I didnt feel at odds at all. She had a music going the whole time that she had prepicked and a slideshow of her life going on two televisions. Here are some photos from the night....
L: Me and Micheal. R: Uhh just me...?

L: The footy guys, bec and me. R: Jess, Jana and Me

L: Daniel, Chloe, Bec and Me. R: Dale Bec and me

During the party there were waiters with food which were delish and an open tab (to a certain amount). I had a good bit of Malibu and Coke (seeing as how it was becs bday and her fave drink).
At the end (around midnight) a flood of people started coming in our private function. We were all kinda like WTF? Some of us went to guard the prezzy's while others went to go figure out what was going on. Apparently we had only rented the room till a certain time. Although it was before the time they decided to let people into the room without warning. It would have been ok if they had given us a warning but they didnt and that was a bit selfish. We got the presents out to the car and had a "chat" to the manager about the problem (well i didnt but Bec and micheal did). We then went to go outside to chat with some party goes real fast. It was kinda frigid outside when we were chatting so this guy that I litterally met like 10/15 min before offered to keep me warm which was super sweet. We then jumped in the car with Mic and Sarah and drove back home.
Totally zonked out (but hungry) we decided, once we got home, to grab mackers before going to bed.
It was a pretty amazing day.
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