Today is Becs family bday party.
Woke up, got dressed, finishing touches on the house and then.... Party!!!
People started showing up around 2pm. I got to meet Anitas family, see Peters side again, meet people from Peters side that I havent before. Mic and Sarah came along with Chloe and her parents. I got to have a good chat with her parents which was super nice. I also chatted with some family members who have a son doing essentially what im interested in doing for my profession- forensic science. At this time, Kat comes to the party (the actress cousin that I watch on tv every day) and is in the same room as me. I totally dont take notice bc i am so deep in conversation about dead bodies and such. Then she leaves!!! I didnt even get to meet her!!!! nooooooooo..... it was very sad. I got to meet my sisters old penpal Laura from back in the day. Its funny, i got to meet her bf chrissy did. Hopefully we can arrange a meet btwn them and another chance for me to meet kat.
Appetizers were passed around for a good couple of hours and then it was time for speeches and cutting of the cake. Peter said some nice words along with her godfather. We then sang the appropriate song and cake time.
R: Bec and her delish cake
B: Mic, Bec and Sarah
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