Woke up at the hostel and Alyssa had already left to go on her skydiving excursion. Anu was pissed as hell at my alarm going off so many times but thats just how i wake up. We got ready real fast and then put our stuff in storage for the day and checked out. I went down for breakfast bf this and got two bowls of cereal in a bowl that looked like it was cleaned by a 5 year old. It was madddd gross.
Anyway we checked out and split ways; anu wanted to get an expensive brunch and i wanted to hit up the beach.
The beach was fantastic, warm, dry sand, people everywhere. I rang Briana bc i tried the night bf but she was sleeping. We talked for a good while and it was so nice to hear her voice. I promised I would call her before she left the country in two days. I then took a nap, swam in the wonderful water and then read a bit and then nap again.
Here are some photos of the beach.
Parrot Fish didnt mind us using their showers even though we had checked out which was a godsend. I must say, PFish was the nicest hostel we stayed at (and most expensive at 30$) but I didnt really enjoy it as much at Njoy. The relaxed, open atmosphere of njoy was way better than the cold service and people we were experiencing here. And seeing as how they ran out of tea and had dirty dishes I wasnt so pleased with the fish.
After showers we locked our stuff up again and then went to grab me some food. I got myself a delish Kabob.
*****Culture Note: They have the idea of the gyro here, meat (lamb preferred), with toppings like lettuce, tomato, onion, and sauce. However, they do not call it a gyro, its a kabob. Kabobs in America is meat and veggies on a stick which in australia is called souvlaki ( i believe). And they dont called the greek sauce cucumber sauce, rather it is tzutziki. the things we dont know*****
After eating we went back to PFish to grab our stuff, and a bag Alyssa left us, and headed to the train station. Anu was having an issue of losing her ticket so she called home, woke her parents up and tried to convey what she wanted. We got to where we were told to go but didnt know where the bus was supposed to meet us. I walked around forever trying to find it until I realized that even though we booked with greyhound, the name on the ticket was different and found the terminal with that name. The bus picked us up at 8pm along with some others and an hour and a half arrived at the Cairns terminal.
We called Alyssa to find each other and I got ready for bed, ie put my pj pants over my sofie shorts and put my slippers on. The three of us waited on a bench at the marina till 11:30pm (2 hours!) exchanging stories of the day and then decided to go find our next bus. We got our luggage loaded on and then tried to fall asleep. I was beginning to feel the pain of my burn.....
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