Monday, July 26, 2010
I got up at 7am to get to my 10am class. However, when I woke up I felt even worse than the night before. I had a headache, body aches, tired, and stuffy nose. I figured that I wouldnt get much out of going in for class while I felt so crummy- it might be more productive to stay in for the day in hopes that I get better sooner. I told Bec to tell Peter that I would stay home and I didnt need a ride to uni. Then I went to bed.
The Davines had a funeral to attend of a family friend that had helped them throughout the years. He died of cancer and he had been in so much pain that it seemed like it would be a relief to the family. Peter had told me the night before that he planned on speaking at the funeral. I thought that was nice until he told me that it was a surprise to everyone that he was speaking. He said he planned on just walking up there and talking. I asked why he didnt ask permission as the family might take offense of him taking charge and he said that the family wouldnt give him permission, which is why he was doing it his way. It sounded like a disaster to me.
Since they were out I slept for a long time-- like till 4pm. I must have needed it. I woke up and still felt bad.
Anita was worried about me so she scheduled an appointment with the doctor at a clinic close by. After dinner we drove over and I met with him. The doctor told me that this kinda thing was going around and it was very quick to get better. He assured me that, although I might need tuesday off from school, I should be back in class the coming wednesday. He wrote me a note for class and I went to pay. My australian insurance had me pay 68$ upfront and 2 weeks later I am still waiting for the money back.
*****Culture Note: School here has an attendance requirement which is way more intense than anything I had seen in the states. Although you are able to miss all your lectures (i dont advise this) you must show up for at least 80% or more of your tutorials/practicals. If you miss more than the required amount you automatically fail. This is why the doctors note was so important to get.*****
After the doctors I went to bed- letting the family know that I wasnt going to go to school the next day.
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