Today I got to sleep in (from my late night last night i was happy to do this) till 11. I kinda bummed around the house all day I think. It doesnt sound too exciting but I was ready for a down day. After dinner Bec and I went to mocha joes to meet up with Chloe and their friend Ana. I was tempted to get myself another spanish donut but went with teramasu (sp?) instead- yummy.
We got back in time to watch the second hour of the premier of Kats new show, Offspring.
Starting from the Left: father of center woman nina, kat (to her right) and the last guy on the right. He was originally married with woman second person on right but they are divorcing and he just found out he had a baby with ninas coworker the woman next to him on his right.
Nina (center) is an obstetrician who was once married to a psycho (not in picture) who likes to blow things up. Her and the guy in blue to her left work together but she would like to be more. Her ex husband however just blew up his car because he was jealous.
Kat (to ninas right) is playing a woman who sells property but doesnt have her own. she is dating the guy to her right but they are off an on. She is very hot tempered in her role and had to move out of her dads place because she couldnt deal with having a step brother in the house.

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