Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Monday, July 19, 2010

Today I woke up at 11am and everyone was out of the house except for peter. I got up and I think peter was worried that I had died. He said something along the lines of, "You had a good sleep did you? Thought I was going to have to set the house on fire to get you up". I would like to point out that it was 11am which was not late at all to sleep to. Think about all those days where I had to wake up at 1:30pm! Anyhow, he had breakfast all ready for me so I sat down to cereal and we chatted. He then had to do some errands so I ran out and joined him. Came back to the house and had a snack of coffee and crumpets. I tried some Vegimite as well which is a dark brown paste that is very salty, and in my opinion, kinda unpleasant. You put it on lightly on toast.If you havent heard about vegemite then you havent heard Men At Works song called Land Down Under- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNT7uZf7lew

I did some reading but really most of the day I chatted with Peter. Anita and Bec came home around 5:30 and they reheated last nights leftovers. Bec then told me that she was going out to have hot chocolate with her friend Cloe and if I would like to go. I was down so we left about 8pm. We got there and Cloe was sitting down already. We ordered three Hot Mocha Chocolates (pronounces Mucha). It was more frothy and like a frapachino instead of hot c. They then ordered me a Spanish donut -this is an amazing treat!!!!
This treat is essentially a churro that is filled with creamy goodness and covered in chocolate. Mine was also served with ice cream. Sooo heavy and soooo good. If you ever get a chance I recommend!
Bec then got a phone call about coming out to play a game of netball. She said yes, and since the game was at 9ish we hit the road. This is a net ball court.If you want to learn about the rules go to: http://www.netballonline.com/TheGame/Technical/NetballRules/tabid/69/language/en-GB/Default.aspx

Essentially its kinda like basketball cept....
1. the baskets dont have back boards
2. you dont dribble the ball you catch it and throw it to someone else, passing it till someone can score (so I guess its also like ultimate frizbee)
3. you wear cute little skirts

After the game we came back "home" and I got ready for my next day- uni orientation. Then went to bed.

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