Saturday, August 28, 2010

Fish Fry and Shopping

Friday, August 20, 2010

I cant seem to remember what I did during the day. I reckon that I stayed home, listened to lecture and tried to be productive in some way. Sorry bout the lack of information there. I was home for tea so I dont think I went to the city.

At about 6pm Kevin came over and the whole family sat down for the friday fish and chips and salad. Peter really makes a mean fish fry using rockfish, shark or whatever else. Its great to see kevin and it always feels like a fancy fish fry, i like it.

After dinner Bec, Micheal and I went to the local mall to look for a dress for Becs birthday. The mall was crazy cool tho, they had everything from Prada, Tiffanies, and Chanel to the Gap and so on. I dont think ive actually even seen a Prada store I feel like if I went in I would be so scared to touch anything, less i break it and have to sell my life just to pay for it. jk of course.

Getting back home I sat down and watched Waking the Dead with Anita and Peter. Around 11pm Bec and Micheal decide that they want to go to krispy cream, and would i like to join. YES, i would have to be stupid to say no to an offer like that. I got a cinnamon, and a blueberry- delish. we got home later and I went to bed.

*****Culture Note: Driving on the other side of the road has already been established. But along with driving on the left comes the drivers seat on the right, the fast lane on the left hand side (as opposed to our right, duh), standing on escalators on the right while passing on the left, etc. Our whole system of walking, driving, standing but the opposite*****

Note~ A photo has been added to entry titled: I Dislike Genetics Practicals.

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