I had class at 10, so the normal morning routine occured. Today I had Cognitive Psychology for two hours. The lecture was interesting, I had listened to the previous weeks online so I felt prepared. I really enjoyed it. At 12 it was over and I had some time till my next class at 2:15. I went to the library and started working on my ILT. A kid in my genetics prac told me we had to do independent learning on the computer. Basically we had a learning session with some program and then took a 10 question quiz online. There are 6 of them throughout the semester and if you get 5 right on each then you get 5% to your final grade. I decided to jump right to the quiz- and I ended up getting a 6. I freaked out a little because thats such a horrible grade, but it doesnt matter the grade as long as you pass. (I later came to find that I did the pretest not the final test and the final test is the one that counts towards your grade. The test was due the next day and I realized this a week later. I am trying to get permission to take it even though its past the date. I hope this gets easier!!!!!) I then went to my 2:15 Politics class and learned more about the cold war. I then had an hour to kill before my politics tute at 3:15 so I decided I would go find the classroom and read Prey outside until class. I did this and when the class before me was over I filled in. I sat there maybe 10 minutes all by myself. Then some kid came in. Where was everyone. We chatted for a few minutes and then decided that we must be in the wrong place. We found the right room (same building, diff level, diff room) and the tute leader was nice about it. We broke up into groups and talked about globalization- fun, not. After class was over at 4:14 I chilled in the Library again ( I sure do a lot of that). I texted my friend Carolin about going out to dinner. She told me she would let me know when to come over, around 7. I didnt get a text till 7:30 when I walked over to her place and twenty minutes later we went in search of dinner. By the time we found some place it was past 8. We chose a cheap Jap place and I had sizzling noodles and a really good drink (dont know the name)- it had hot chocolate (super chocolatey) and then a layer of cold milk on top. Ill have to make it for john bc he will love it, and anyone else who wants it.

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