Because its an "on" week I have a lab so I have to go to school today even though its wed.
I took the train to uni and went to prac. If you remember last time I had prac I didnt have a proper seat. I was hoping that I could get the same seat that I had that time because I liked my table buddies and wanted to stick with them. This did not happen and I got stuck in seat 108 (as opposed to seat 5 i was in last time). I would like to point something out- how well can kids learn in a practical when there are over 100 students????!!!!!!! seriously, if i need help I have to search for someone to help me because there arent enough lab techs per amount of students. There are so many kids in such a big room that they have many tv screens where the head tech goes through pieces of the experiment at a time and you watch on the monitor. And to think, sometimes i got annoyed waiting for the tech at marymount to come to our table with 20 ppl in the class room. HAH, never again.
Sorry about the rant, i just think its rediculous and not very good for teaching.
sorry, agian.
The kids at my new table werent as friendly. The table was much bigger holding 10 ppl as opposed to the other one which held 4. I friended a girl next to me but she never seemed to know what was going on. Not helpful. Still it was nice having someone to do experiments with.
There were 5 points allocated to a drawing you had to do- my drawing was good but I lost 2 points because I didnt put the right thing after the measurements and I wrote 40x for magnification when they wanted me to do 400 instead. same thing. The test at the end was only 5 questions, hopefully i got at least 2 correct to score a 5 on the prac. Apparently, last prac i got a 5 exactly even without doing the math on a calc. I just want to pass.
After lab i ate lunch and chilled in the library. the usual. I then went to lecture at 3:15. During lecture four guys popped in with a frizbe. they threw it around a couple of times and then left. more prosh week i can only assume. My professor went on to tell us how this mornings lecture was interupted by a couple of naked people. yes, naked people. ???? (the one time i wish i went to morning lecture, lol). She said she pointed to them and said, "and this is genetic variation in action!"
After Lecture I got on the tram and train to go to parliament to get to St Patricks to meet peter.
Outside the train station there is some cool artzyness that i wanted to capture t
It was nice to see them again. They have traveled a bit so I asked them about my trip for spring break. They were able to give me some great tips and pointers such as: there is no beach for swimming at Cairns. There is a place for alligators to go swimming but not humans. Therefore we should go to port douglas if we want to go swimming/sunbathing.
We let them go and came back "home". I talked to Alyssa for a bit, had dinner and then it was Farmer time!!! During Farmer wants a wife I had to darn some sox. Idk why but two of the sox i had worn on my left foot had holes in them. They didnt show wear at all bf putting them on so it doesnt make much sense. None the less I patched them up and watched.
***** Culture note: They write their dates "backwards". They put the day, month, year instead of our month, day , year. It can be kinda difficult when you want to see when a date is. Also they use a lot of 24 hour clocks instead of my typical 12 hour. We usually refer to the 24 hour clock as military time.*****
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