We gathered our things together, took a "family" photo and then went down to the lobby to get ready for our 9am departure. Zoe and I waited around but our shuttle never came so I asked them in the lobby where it was. They told me it was running late, and I didnt know what to do but sit back down again. Russ came in and I asked him about it, worried that we would be late for our plane. I was told not to worry, I would make it. Five minutes later Matt came over telling us to hurry, jump in the taxi so we wouldnt miss our flight. We got in the cab and arrived at the airport an hour before the flight was to leave. I was amazed, we moved through the airport within a matter of 25 minutes including tickets, baggage, and security. I situated myself in front of the gate until it was time to board the plane.
The flight took off at 11am and arrived in Melbourne at 12:30pm. I got off the plane and right away there was Anita and Peter. We chatted as I grabbed my luggage, said goodbye to Zoe and worked to find the car in the car park.
I was slightly nervous about my arrival in Melbourne. Anita and Peter were ex Nun and Priest and I was concerned that they would try to push that on me. Ive also really never lived with anyone besides my Parents, sister, brother and random wacko roommate at college, I didnt know what that would be like. Bec has been an only child, and I didnt know how she would appreciate someone in her home living there. And how was I even getting to Uni, I didnt even know. All in all I was about to go live with people that were called family but that I had never meet and had nearly never talked to, save the once a Christmas phone call.
We got to the house after an hour ride around the city of melbourne to the suburbs of Mulgrave. It was past lunch but neither party had eaten so we sat down for a bit of pumpkin soup, coffee, and a crumpet. Very good. I then went to unpack all my stuff and put it in the room. The room had been painted with one wall magenta. There was a big king sized bed, desk and chair, towel rack, and armoire.
Well lets see if I can give you a tour of the place..... well ok, but not right now- the house is all dark. But ill get it done soon and post for you!
Within the packing there were notes that my family had packed in my things. I had originally packed with Chrissy but somehow she and mum had repacked everything with many notes throughout my clothes, jewelry, coats, makeup etc. two weeks later and I am still finding them within my things. Two of them actually made me cry.... I love you guys : )
Unpacking took a while and at 5 Bec came home from work!! So exciting to meet the pen pal I corresponded to when I was 8. We chatted while Peter and Anita cooked. Micheal her boyfriend came over and we all sat down and ate a delicious lamb roast with potatoes and veggies, two different gravy's and wine. Oh and a lemon meringue for desert. After bec, micheal and I just chatted at the table while anita and peter watched a show on the tele. We went to bed shortly after.
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