Thursday, August 19, 2010
Class today as usual.
10-12 psych
worked with alyssa over the phone about our trip
2:15-3:15 pol
4:15-5:15 pol tute
Psych was interesting. Afterwards I worked on some psych hw and talked with alyssa about our trip plans. Things were still up in the air and she wasnt sure what her plans were but we tried to figure that out so that we could sort out OUR plans together. I ate lunch outside and talked to chrissy and bernie about my trip. The trip is going to cost a bit and i was a bit uneasy about spending the money on it. thats just how i am, worried about spending even a dollar. They assured me that it was a good deal and im only going to be on this side of the world once (I beg to differ- i would like to come back. and i havent even gone to asia!). They also tried to convince me that "couch surfing" was a bad idea.
Politics was like normal- learned stuff ive never heard of bf.
I had my pol tute and my tute guy (david) told me and another girl that we werent on the roster for his class. He said this was tute 3 of week four and he had the final roster. Uhhhhhh. after the tute the other girl and i found our way to the politics office... where it was closed. fast foreward to the weekend where i found out what happened- apparently i was signed up for a tute that was on thursday at 415 that was not davids. There were two tutes at the same time, diff buildings and i had been showing up to the wrong one the whole time. I would also like to point out that the first tute me and that guy went to the wrong room. I think im pol tute cursed.
After going to the pol office I quickly walked to the tram stop all the way across campus. I planned on going salsa dancing for free at this one place in the city. I tried to get some of my friends to join me but zoe had work and carolin doesnt like that type of thing so it was just going to be me. the dancing started at 5:30 and i figured i had just enough time to get there from my 515 class end. well i got to the tram stop and realized I was on the wrong side of campus. It was going to take too long to walk back, take the tram, and walk to blocks to the dance place, there was no way i wasnt going to be late, so I took the tram and train home.
I got home and we had dinner and then I got on with alyssa about the trip again.
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