I woke up in Carolins room around 10am freezing my "ars" off. Called Zoe to see if I could get my stuff and promptly went over. I called peter to make sure he bought the tickets to the footy and he convinced Zoe to join us. We got ready and walked down to the Cathedral (after some confusion with directions) and met up with Peter. We then all walked over to an area called Richmond where there was the Melbourne Cricket Ground- used for cricket
*****Culture note: you dont root for a team here, to root means to have sex. you barack for a team instead.*****Footy or Australian Rules Football is very different from American Football. For detailed rules go: http://www.upfromaustralia.com/ausrulfoot.html
Quick rules:1. Three goals on each side of the oval- center 6, sides 1.2. You must kick the ball though the goals
3. To pass you kick or hit the ball like a volleyball
4. There are no pads or gear like American Football5. 18 players on each team on field
6. 4 20minute quarters with a half time
7. You can move in any direction8. Play continues until ball goes out of bounds or there is a foul
Heres some pictures:
We (the tigers) ended up lossing pretty bad-127 to 45 but it was fun (and cold). During the breaks we ate meat pies, sprite, and chips (french fries). It was good having peter there because he had to explain the rules.
After the game we walked to the car and came home- it was a good day.
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